Group News
World Water Day 2022
Hydroflux supports World Water Day World Water Day is observed on March 22nd each year to celebrate water and raise...
Our Journey to Climate Active Certification
As part of our commitment to positive climate action, the Hydroflux Group has achieved Climate Active Certification as a Carbon...
Hydroflux Becomes Australia’s First Carbon Neutral Water-Tech Organisation
As part of our commitment to positive climate action, the Hydroflux Group has achieved Climate Active Certification as a Carbon...
Surya Cipta City WWTP – Building Resilience Against Urbanisation
Surya Cipta City is an industrial city located in Karawang, West Java, Indonesia. Situated 60 km east of Jakarta, the...
Helping to Secure Water Quality for the Longest River in New Zealand’s South Island
Hydroflux Epco NZ has been awarded the supply of six HUBER Spiral Screens by Clutha District Council. The screens will...
Municipal Biosolids Drying Facilities – Will Australia Follow Global Trends?
Many advanced biosolids treatment processes such as incineration, pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonisation are being put into place around the world...
Screw Press Technology Favoured by Meat Works
Hydroflux Industrial has completed the successful installation and commissioning of two of the largest Q800 HUBER screw presses at a...
Hydroflux Group Newsletter – June 2021
Hydroflux’s latest broadsheet newsletter with informative articles on the local water industry, the Hydroflux group’s activities and people. Please click...
Water & Biogas Asset Management and Operation
Are you diverting the attention of your key personnel on items outside your primary business and are you getting the...
Multiple Clarifier Projects Awarded to Hydroflux Epco
Hydroflux Epco’s strength in the local clarifier market has been reaffirmed through the recent award of multiple clarifier projects for...
Hydroflux Supports Women in Tunnelling
Hydroflux are proudly supporting Women in Tunnelling at the Australasian Tunnelling Conference (ATS2020+1) held in Melbourne on the 10th to...
Municipal Biosolids Drying Facilities – Is This Part of Australia’s Future?
Building a pathway to sustainable biosolids management is a key topic amongst many Australian and New Zealand Water Authorities. Consideration...